Levi Deang

Passionate front-end software engineer committed to delivering promised results and remaining true to a unique artistic vision.

  1. MDI NovareSenior Software Developer

    Lead front-end developer

    • Deliver high-quality production code for a number of clients including Jollibee Foods Corporation, and Bayad Center.
    • Worked alongside project owners and provided development and technical solutions to fulfill business requirements.
    • Worked closely with other developers and other team members to locate and fix issues.
    • Lead front-end development and transformed business requirements into reality.
  2. YoonetSoftware Developer

    Team lead and Angular (2) developer.

    • Front-end lead and developed web-application for an Australian client.
    • Ensured team members abide by the rules and regulations set by the company and the client.
    • Translated client's existing desktop app to a web-app using Angular.
    • Created, maintained, and integrated new features to the web-app.
  3. Quantum CrowdAssociate Software Developer

    Web 3 and Front-end developer trainee.

    • Learned basics of front-end development ie. HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
    • Learned basics of back-end development ie. API, status codes, HTTP verbs, etc.
    • Learned front-end to back-end integrations.
  • Portfolio


    Comprehensive representation of my professional and creative work. Created with Next JS and Tailwind.

  • Parcel


    A rich and responsive e-commerce platform with a variety of products to choose from. Fullstack application built from NextJS, MongoDB, and Tailwind.

  • Tempo

    Weather app

    Sleek weather app, offering real-time updates, immersive visuals, and daily personalized forecasts. Built with ReactJS and Tailwind.

  • Front-end Development:

    Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS

  • Back-end Development:

    NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose

  • Frameworks

    NextJs, ReactJS, Angular 2, Tailwind, Material UI, Express JS

  • Tools & Platforms

    Git, GitHub, Vercel, Jira

EDUCATIONTomas del Rosario College

BS Computer Science

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